Sunday, November 13, 2005

Re-cap of Cortaca weekend!!!

My weekend ended up starting on thursday night instead of wednesday as I planned. But thats ok because the rest of the weekend was pretty sick.
Thursday started with a trip to Syracuse to pick up Sean from the airport. This trip would have been awesome except that Bonner brought this girl with him that chomped her gum and talked really loud. But whatever, I still got to greet Sean. The rest of the night after that didn't go as planned. We were gonna go out and get drunk and not come home til the morning. This didn't happen. We got back to Bonner's dorm at about 9:15 and then he needed to get ready. So being as feminine as he is we didn't leave there until about 10. Then we had to park his car and wait for a bus. So by this time it is 10:30 and we decide to wait for CJ. CJ did not get here until 11:30 and then we went to chill wit Kellz at the Castle. We hung out there, Kellz messed with some of the pledges(which was hilarious) and then they went to the bars and I went to my room because of a test in the morning.
Friday was a different story. It was a night filled with chugging and kegstands. The kegs were tapped at about 6. I had to wait for the girlfriend before going down there to drink but I quickly caught up to everyone when I was forced to do a kegstand when I got there. The rest of a night I just got progressively more drunk and then we ended up at D.P.Dough.
Saturday was probably the best night. We played some pong in Kellz' room and then got food and went out. The party was at the castle and me and Sean ran shit. We had a streak of 6 beer pong games that would have continued but the beer ran out. That brings our record in our last 2 appearances together to 14-0. All challengers welcome! That party was good but it was real crowded and difficult to get beer. We left that party and then went to another but Sean, Bonner and CJ didn't want to pay so only I went in. Then I drank some more and hungout with all my other buddies and had a good time. After smoking with Dude I went to hangout with Sean and Cj and then we went downtown because CJ wanted to find some women. This was an unsuccessful trip. We went back to Bonner's room and waited to here from CJ's cousin. We were gonna go hangout with her and her housemates but she went to her boyfriend's house. So we called it a night.
Sunday proved to be a more sober adventure. We woke up, got some food, and then played poker. My never ending streak of crappy hands continued and I did not win. But that's ok because Kellz had worse cards and it was funny watching him flip out and throw a chair. After that I came back and hungout til we got food and watched Mike Scala get fucked up by a cab driver. He called a cab and the cab stopped half way down the road. He sprinted to catch the cab and we as soon as he touched the door the guy drove away. It was great. After this we drove Sean to the airport where his flight got delayed for over and hour. This sucked but we just hungout and joked around. We also allowed the janitor to throw out Bonner's drink that he took only one sip of.
To sum it up I had a good time this weekend. Plenty of alcohol, and plenty of good times with friends. So my quote from this blog is on of my favorite cliche quotes...."If you're not wasted, the day is!!"


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