Monday, March 27, 2006

Are they out there???

Today's blog focuses on an important topic: Are we alone in the universe? I like to believe that we are not. But we are always seen as the inferior race when people think of aliens. For example, Independence Day. This movie shows the aliens showing up and having way cooler weapons than us. This, I think, is bullshit.
My theory is that we are way more sophisticated and advanced as a planet than aliens are. I don't think they will come here before we go there. I bet that we are more advanced. In like a couple thousand years we will arrive at a planet and act like the Europeans did when they got to America. We will take their land and fuck their women. And I don't think they will have cool weapons. They will have like sticks and slingshots. And they will look like us. But more like cavemen. They aren't gonna have big foreheads with big brains and communicate through telepathy. They are gonna have overgrown hair, scoliosis, and communicate by grunting and body language.
So fuck you Aliens. I can't wait til the human race comes to your planet and fucks you up!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha nice blog sganga. you're right - i never understood why aliens are always shown as being more intelligent than us. just take a look at you lunchbox - how can any alien be smarter than you????

Mon Mar 27, 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

above comment authored by:

Mon Mar 27, 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont think im gonna be fucking any of their women if they are gonna be looking like cavemen....although who knows get me drunk enough and i probably will.


Mon Mar 27, 06:44:00 PM  

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