Sunday, May 21, 2006

My 43 things....

I just read Karbo's list of things he wants to do on This inspired me to make my own list. I have a blog though. So I am posting my things here instead of on the other website. Fuck that website!!

1- Take a risk that can get me in major trouble....and get away with it
2-write a will
3-Grow my hair past my shoulders
4-inspire somebody
5-buy a sweat whip
6-speak another language fluently
7-learn kung-fu
8-write a book
9-read a book
10-develop my psychic abilities
11-become financially independant
12-get into a bar fight
13-hack into someone else's computer
14-learn to drive stick
15-drive across country
17-live in another country for at least one year
18-build a treehouse
19-go for a year without taking a nap
20-go somewhere warm and sit on the beach for a week and do nothing
21-be in a movie
22-sign an autograph for someone who is really a fan
23-be in a heist
24-get a pet monkey
26-get more tattoos
27-learn to play guitar
28-kick someone's ass in a mosh pit
29-sit in the jury for a very public murder case like O.J.'s
30-finish this list
31-get in a car and just drive until I don't feel like it anymore
32-run a marathon
33-watch a volcano errupt
34-walk on the red carpet at the Oscars
35-learn magic tricks
36-go scuba diving
37-learn to breakdance
38-swim the English Channel
39-put something on
40-watch every episode of Saved by the Bell in order
41-rock climb
42-make t-shirts with all my one-liners on them
43-be awesome

That's my 43 things. If you need some ideas of shit you want to do than go to the website.
This blog inspired by Karbo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 things;

1- that was by far the best blog i've ever read

2- i've done more than half of those things. wanna know why? i think you already know.

Mon May 22, 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cruse is pretty money.....thats why


Mon May 22, 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you rock hardcore

Thu Oct 19, 06:53:00 PM  

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