Monday, March 19, 2007

Cartoon!! Cartoon!!

Throughout history there has been many underrated cartoon characters. I am here today to give these characters the respect they deserve. This is my list of underrated cartoon characters.

#1 Eeyore (I had to look up the spelling)
Eeyore is extremely important for all those kids watching winnie the pooh. He shows that you don't always need to be happy, It is okay to be sad. And who doesn't say "O bother" every now and then. He is way better then piglet and even tigger. Tigger is overrated. If there was an overrated blog, Tigger would be the first nigger on the list.(I had to rhyme tigger with nigger. Just had to be done.)

#2 Skeeter Valentine
Skeeter is Doug Funnie's sidekick. This is bullshit. He is way cooler than Doug. Pattie Mayonaise totally would bang him in a second. He is blue, but that isn't fooling anyone. He is the black friend. And that's cool. Everyone likes him, why couldn't they just make him black. He is the only one on the show that is a totally crazy color. Also, when Doug is Quailman, Skeeter is the Silver Skeeter. That is awesome. Silver Skeeter would fuck Quailman up. It wouldn't even be a far fight.
-This site can help you understand skeeter even more.

#3 Master Splinter
Give this rat some respect. Everyone is all about the turtles. And it is understandable because the turtles are awesome. But Master Splinter is the glue that holds it all together. They wouldn't be Ninja Turtles if it wasn't for Master Splinter. They would just be big stupid turtles.

#4 CatDog
If you never watched that cartoon, you are missing out. CatDog is a perfect mix of serious and funny. Cat is serious in a funny way, and Dog is funny in a stupid way. It is brilliant to attach a cat and a dog at the butt. That is just asking for laughs.

#5 Daffy Duck
Daffy always came off as pist off at Bugs Bunny. Always trying to show him up and show everyone he was better. Well I feel for him. He is better. I'd be pist also if I was less popular than a shitty bunny. Daffy was very funny. I think Daffy should punch him in the face. He can totally beat Bugs in hand to hand combat. And how many ducks do you know that get shot in the face and all that happens is that his beak turns around. He is invincible. Nothing can hurt him. So daffy, I am gonna drink a beer for you and curse Bugs. Fuck that buck tooth piece of shit.

That is my list of the most underrated cartoons. If you feel that there are some characters that should be included, let me know.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I am writing an auto-biography. Mainly because I am a loser, but also because I think it will be interesting to look back on all the shit I have done and to write it all down. I have already written a couple pages. If you are at all interested at reading my life story, leave some comments. If I get enough responses I will leave it all out there for you, my loyal readers, to read.

Also, I was thinking today. I think Christina Ricci is very under rated. I totally think she is hot. I would totally sex her up. And "sex her up" is one of the new terms I like to use. I hope it catches on.
Also, Uma Thurman is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated. She shouldn't even be rated. If I had to choose between Uma Thurman and a life of celibacy, I would become a monk. I fucking hate her and her man hands. She can probably palm a basketball.