Thursday, January 28, 2010

Docor's Office

So I am at a doctor's office for the first time in what seems like years. I'm bored waiting for this N-word, and Pat wants more blogs so I'm just gonna sit here and write about things that happen.
Things that happened already:
-Asian kid just woken up from anestesia trips over lady's feet while trying to leave. Hysterical. Also, his mom had a disgusting cold sore.
-A hott chick was sitting next to me but she was definitly twitching. I didn't mind it but I wish she had bigger boobs so that they would jiggle.
-Another hott chick who is a nurse keeps coming in and out of the waiting room...she wants me.
-A third good looking chick is sitting to my 2 o'clock. She has a ring that goes over 3 fingers. I think it says her name.
-I get called into the back to see the doctor and my mom says "should I come with him?" And the hot nurse says to me "that's really up to you" like I'm fucking 5. She still wants me.
-This guy who is probably younger then me took my x-rays and could totally tell I was hi.
-My doctor asked me what I do and I told him that I'm a comedian. He thought that was awesome.
-So I need to get my wisdom teeth out and my doctor gave me a prescription for penicillin and vicodin and he said to pick them up before the surgery. My surgery isn't until the 23rd so I said "I'm gonna run out of vicodin before I even get the surgery. Can I get refills?" Then he took the presciptions back.


Blogger Unknown said...

everyone of those one-liners were funny...cheers!

Thu Jan 28, 04:49:00 PM  
Blogger Keeks said...

ahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. the best part was the about the girl's boobs jiggling.

Sat Jan 30, 10:06:00 PM  

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