Tuesday, November 24, 2009

my first show

My first show went really well. I'd like to thank everyone who was able to come and also thanks those of you who supported thru facebook or phone calls. I'm gonna re-cap the show for those of you who were not able to make it.
I scored this gig because of my buddy Chris Cells. He is also a comedian and very funny. He performed two weeks ago at the same venue amd told the manager about me. Thanks chris.
So I got to the show and the first person I see at the club is mikey tuttle. For those of you who don't know him he is on the show orange county choppers. His father owns the business and they have been on tv for a long time now. He also performed. Wasn't too funny. But he did tell an awesome road head joke. I may actually end up on the tv show. I had to sign a consent form.
I go into the dressing room and I start taking pictures like an asian in times square. It was awesome. Then I saw the set list and I was going second to last. Right before the headliner.
Hanging out backstage was awesome. Everyone was a comedian so I laughed the whole time. It was awesome. I even met some contacts that want me for other shows. Very exciting.
About half hour before I was supposed to perform I was making a phone call to my good friend sean flood and in walks jim gaffigan. If you don't know him than you aren't a big fan of stand-up comedy. He is one of the best. He has done several comedy central specials and headlined many tours. He didn't really hangout with us though. I thought he might hang around for maybe 5 minutes and talk to us young comics but he just said "good crowd out there" and left.
So it finally came to my time of the night. And I was backstage before my turn and I wasn't sure how to prepare so I started stretching. It made sense at the time. I came out and my opener was a joke I made on the train ride in with cj, val, and mike. "This is gonna be a lot like sex. I'm gonna try really hard to make it last six minutes." The crowd laughed pretty hard at that. After that I fell into a grove telling the jokes I knew. I even talked to the crowd a little. The two dutch guys sitting in front loved me. That's why I'm already huge in holland.
Outside after the show I was calling my mother to tell her how well it went and an older gentleman came over to congratulate me and tell me how much he liked the show. He said the shy thing was good(because it was scary and I was looking down a lot) but I should look up at the crowd more. But fuck that guy. I was adorable.
So the show was a lot of fun. The manager loved me because I was able to bring so many people and he is gonna call me today to book more shows. I also get a dvd of the performance. Once again, thank you everyone and there will be more posts to inform all of you of shows I will be having.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking awesome LB!!! I'll have to make it down for a show sometime.

Tue Nov 24, 02:09:00 PM  

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