Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I am writing an auto-biography. Mainly because I am a loser, but also because I think it will be interesting to look back on all the shit I have done and to write it all down. I have already written a couple pages. If you are at all interested at reading my life story, leave some comments. If I get enough responses I will leave it all out there for you, my loyal readers, to read.

Also, I was thinking today. I think Christina Ricci is very under rated. I totally think she is hot. I would totally sex her up. And "sex her up" is one of the new terms I like to use. I hope it catches on.
Also, Uma Thurman is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over rated. She shouldn't even be rated. If I had to choose between Uma Thurman and a life of celibacy, I would become a monk. I fucking hate her and her man hands. She can probably palm a basketball.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo i wanna read it to see all the cool shit about me. i know thats a pretty selfish statement but o well what can i say, i like myself....and uma therman would kick your ass.


Tue Mar 06, 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

Mon Nov 10, 02:19:00 AM  

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