Sunday, April 08, 2007

Butthole and Asshead

Last night I was cuddling on the couch with Kelly and drinking vodka (that's right, Be jealous). In my drunken ranting I started to wonder about some stupid stuff. I started asking everyone why the words "Ass" and "Butt" are not interchangeable. Everyone calls other people assholes and some people who are awesome, like me, still use words like butthead. Well I just think that it is wierd that nobody says "you are a butthole" or "you are an asshead". These words are supposed to mean the same thing, but it is just wierd to switch them. When someone says "butthole", I actually think they are talking about the body part. I totally wouldn't think the same thing that I would if they said "asshole". So from now on I will be switching words with the same meaning. So if I call you an asshead don't think it is wierd. Also, I might use words like penishead instead of dickhead. Or maybe I will call you a vagina instead of a pussy.
Also, I will no longer be using the word retard. Instead, I will call you a fliptard. Anton's brother threw that word out earlier and I think it is mad funny. So remember that when someone does something stupid, tell them that they are fliptarded.

***********SGANGA DAY '07************
When I come home from school in about 5 weeks, my parents will be going to Florida. If I don't end up staying in Cortland for graduation weekend, there will be a party that will be at least 3 days long. So keep your calenders open from May17-20. I will be partying that whole time most likely and anyone who reads this blog is more than welcome to join me. I will have more details later to let everyone know if it is a definite. Also, if you come there and act like an asshead, I will fuck you up, vagina!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

id love to come, but i will be in istanbul working on becoming a hitman for the kgb - ive decided on that as being my best course of action in avoiding a real life job and paying the shitload of bills that i dont have the money for. sorry man, but have fun!


Mon Apr 09, 02:50:00 PM  

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