Monday, March 27, 2006

Are they out there???

Today's blog focuses on an important topic: Are we alone in the universe? I like to believe that we are not. But we are always seen as the inferior race when people think of aliens. For example, Independence Day. This movie shows the aliens showing up and having way cooler weapons than us. This, I think, is bullshit.
My theory is that we are way more sophisticated and advanced as a planet than aliens are. I don't think they will come here before we go there. I bet that we are more advanced. In like a couple thousand years we will arrive at a planet and act like the Europeans did when they got to America. We will take their land and fuck their women. And I don't think they will have cool weapons. They will have like sticks and slingshots. And they will look like us. But more like cavemen. They aren't gonna have big foreheads with big brains and communicate through telepathy. They are gonna have overgrown hair, scoliosis, and communicate by grunting and body language.
So fuck you Aliens. I can't wait til the human race comes to your planet and fucks you up!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Jeremy Piven for President....

If you read the title and thought to yourself "Who is Jeremy Piven?" then don't read this blog because you are a piece of crap. Also, never talk to me again. Then die.
Jeremy Piven is easily one of the greatest actors around. Right now he plays Ari Gold on the awesome show "Entourage". But he has done a long list of movies that qualify him as great and they have earned him my vote in 2008. Some of his movie credits are Old School, Very Bad Things, PCU, and one of my personal favorites Highway.
For the last 20 years he has been a force to be reckoned with in the acting community. He will be a force in this world for the next million. That's right, he is immortal. He will live forever, that is why he should be president. We need an awesome man to do the job for all eternity. Fuck this 2 terms bullshit. I vote for Jeremy Piven and infinite terms.
Piven in 08!!!!!

Lisa Turtle...

What the fuck Lisa??? You suck. All Screech wants is one date. That's it. The man loves you and you are a piece of crap. So I say "Fuck You Lisa....Fuck you."

Friday, March 03, 2006

Getting it all down....

Lately I stay awake all night because I have a fucked up sleep schedule. But while I lay awake until 4 every morning, I do a lot of thinking. Mostly thinking "What the fuck am I doing??" I consider my college life so far as a waste. All though I have good friends and many memories already, I know that I am not doing what I should be doing to give myself a better future. I skip classes, sleep way too much, don't do assignments. Also, in the last year I have put on a lottttttttt of weight. So this blog is going to be about what I feel about my life right now and what I plan to do about it.(and I don't really care if you read beyond this point. This is really so I can get it down in some sort of writitng and can look at it as a reminder of how I really want things)

#1: The weight I have put on is ridiculous. I am a fat piece of shit lately and I know this. I have put on at least 40 pounds in the last year. I would love to shed that all before the summer. So my first goal in the next couple of months is to lose 40 pounds.

#2: My GPA sucks and I know I am smarter than this and capable of much better. At the rate I am at I will never graduate. I will never get into my major working at the pace I am at. My GPA has gotten better every semester so far, but it still isn't good enough. I mean come on...I have a 2.1 cummulative in 2 years. So goal #2 is to do better in school.

#3: This isn't really a goal, but it is a point I want to make. So here it is....I don't want my biggest accomplishments in college to have anything to do with video games. I know that sounds funny to you, but I would say I spend at least 2 hours a day playing and that is pathetic. I should be doing something more constructive.

#4: Nobody knows this, but I have wanted to write something for the longest time. I don't care if it is a short story, a screenplay, or anything. I just want my ideas to go on paper and to get the kind of reaction out of it that makes me feel like I accomplished something intelligent.

Well that is the most of it. I just really needed to get it down so that I don't have to think about it every night when I can't sleep. So if you read all of this, Positive feedback is appreciated.